About us







Because most of David's family were unable to come to our wedding in the Philippines, we held a Service of Blessing when we were together in England on 27 October 2001. The Service was held at All Saints Church in Melbourn. We used the traditional English wedding service. Georgina was the bridesmaid and David's friend Martin Stead was the best man. We found a lovely wedding hymn with a tune called Philippine which of course we choose. This was great fun because nobody else knew it. Raymond Salisbury-Jones (David's friend) played Lang's Tuba Tune as an organ voluntary at the conclusion of the service. Afterwards we had a reception in our back garden in a Marquee.

The wedding car was an extremely rare vintage Clyno.

With David's parents and Georgina.

Ivy was a bit emotional after the event because she missed her family but being comforted by David's Mother.

Martin Stead (front left) was the best man, with the guests.

Honeymoon     Second Reception    Our Wedding   Charles Baptism